About Shane Watson
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(and skip the hassle of reading this long-ass narrative!)
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The Long Narrative

This section is a work in progress. It is a ramble on the life of Shane Watson. My wife Vivian thinks I’m writing my autobiography and she may be right! I’ve been inspired by my hometown contemporary author Ray Mungo who wrote 14 books, most of them about some period or aspect of his interesting life. Someday I will do the same. In the meantime, the following is a ramble about my life. If you get bored just click on the Resume link above to get the condensed, Reader’s Digest version. Some holes in this Long Narrative are left to fill in later but you can click on the link to get a sneak preview of what will be added.
The Early Years in Lawrence, Massachusetts

John Joseph Watson greeted the planet on the early Springtime morning of April 20th, 1949 at the local Lawrence General Hospital. It was not until 30 years later that I would acquire the nickname of “Shane” which I’ll explain later. I was born in the old, decaying industrial city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, nestled on both sides of the Merrimack River, replete with its man-made canals and waterfalls, once world record-breaking, long textile mills, multi-ethnic neighborhoods, and frigid cold winters. The Great Stone Dam, which lies across the entire Merrimack was, at the time of its construction in the 1840s, the largest dam in the world. North Lawrence is north of the Merrimack River. North neighborhoods include Tower Hill, Prospect Hill, Downtown. South Lawrence is south of the Merrimack River with the railroad tracks dividing neighborhoods into So Lawrence East & West.
Lawrence begat many famous sons: Robert Frost, Leonard Bernstein, Robert Goulet, Raymond Mungo, Ferdinand Waldo Demara aka “The Great Impostor”, Joe Perry, Thelma Todd, Sean Penn’s father Leo, and even the inventor of McDonald’s Quarter Pounder, Al Bernadin. Jack Kerouac, Ed McMahon, Bette Davis, Olympia Dukakis &
Michael Chiklis hailed from Lowell, just 10 miles upstream.
Lawrence was the scene of the very violent Bread and Roses labor strike of 1912 which helped raise workers’ pay all over New England. Low paying jobs and cheap housing attracted newcomers from all over the world; indeed, Wikipedia notes: “Lawrence became known as The Immigrant City very early in its existence, and can reasonably boast that for its small geographic size (less than 6 square miles) it has had more immigrants from a greater variety of countries in the world per capita, than any other city of its size on Earth.”
”Johnny”, as I was known then, lived in the more middle-class, single-family homes section of South Lawrence West. My English/Irish father was a World War II and Korean Conflict, Silver Star, Purple Heart, war hero. He’d achieved the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and was one of the Army Reserves prized teachers. But his main job was a Special Analyst and Inspector with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (AT&F), a division of the Treasury Dept. (It has since been renamed & expanded to the U.S. Dept of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.) My dad was suit-wearing, pistol-totin’ G-man, riding the train into his Boston office every day to chase bad guys all around the state. He went to Merrimack College at night to pick up 2 Associate of Arts degrees, and once a month flew to different army camps around the country to train soldiers in how to kill and blow up the enemy.
My English/Swedish mom was the prototypical, beautiful, June Cleaver-type matriarch. Born in Paris to wealthy parents and educated in British boarding schools, she had a sweet sophistication and grace. Since dad was absent quite often, she herded her 4 kids around in total surrender to 1950’s-style motherhood. Her and dad concocted a cute, (some would say too cute) way of naming us: all J’s! Since they were Joe and June, they added 4 more Js with: Johnny, Judy, Jamie, and Jeannie. We even had a dog named Jigger for a short time!
Early Florida Interlude
When I was only 3 years old my dad decided to volunteer for the Korean War, as if he hadn’t seen enough death & destruction in WWII. He bought a trailer and hauled his wife, me, sister Judy, and for good measure, my recently widowed aunt and her two kids, all the way down to Clearwater, Florida. We waited there while his platoon held the furthest northern position in South Korea. To say 2 adults and 4 kids were cramped in a little trailer is a huge understatement. But we bonded, played in the warm Gulf of Mexico, and entertained ourselves for 2 years while the Korean “Conflict” blazed on. That was my first cross-country trip and intuitively launched me on a lifetime of worldwide travel.
Back in Lawrence……
The bedrock of any 1950’s English/Irish/Swedish family was its church. Saint Patrick’s Catholic Parish in Lawrence, MA filled the bill for the Watsons. I picked up my 2nd middle name, Philip, at my Confirmation. I attended St Patrick’s Elementary School (now named the Lawrence Catholic Academy) taught by the corporal punishment-loving Sisters of Charity of Halifax and was involved in many of its activities. It was then I started my lifelong duality knack for being an extracurricular junkie & leader while at the same time rebelling against the status quo.
I was a Choir Boy until I got kicked out for using a squirt gun during Mass. I was an Altar Boy (great article here) who loved to sample the wine and dip into the collection box. I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout (before they were co-ed) who earned every badge available short of Eagle Scout, but also learned how to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol with ease after the meetings. Me & a few cohorts led my 7th grade in a strike against the
perceived cruelty of an overly stern Sister Mary Ester. I broke elementary school track records by honing my speed running away from elders I had pelted with snowballs or from the scenes of my many petty crimes. Basketball was a passion in the 6th, 7th & 8th grades. We had great Irish team names like the Gaels, Celtics, and the premier team the Shamrocks.
High School
Graduating with honors from grammar school in 1963, I earned a full academic scholarship from St Pats to the pricey & private Central Catholic High School in North Lawrence, taught by the strict Marist brothers. My biggest disappointment was leaving my co-ed elementary school for the all-boy high school. Now I had to fantasize about girls from a distance. Tight, “pegged pants” were big in those days but we had strict rules. To prove pants weren’t too tight you had to be able to roll a golf ball all the way down! The Marist brothers had tons of hoops like this you had to jump through. Failing any of them meant a swift crack with a yardstick, a knuckle to the head, or worse banishment to an after-school detention, aka “jug”.
In my freshman year Watts, (my high school nickname) was the National Marist Cross-Country Champion. I had a record-breaking, personal undefeated season, coming in 1st in every meet. Winning the championship race I broke a national & course record at Van Cortland Park in New York City, the mecca of cross country running. I went on to captain Cross Country, Indoor, and Outdoor Track and helped lead my team to many state & regional titles. I got kicked off the team a few times for smoking or goofing around, but was always reinstated. I also did some stints on the Newspaper and Yearbook staff to round out my high school resume.
But my biggest achievements in high school were away from the school. I helped launch the Teen Betterment Committee (TBC) and became its President for several years. Despite its corny name, our group earned UPI & AP national press coverage for our civic and legislative efforts which launched me into the steamy world of Massachusetts politics.
I was the youngest & first teenager ever appointed to an official City of Lawrence Committee. I shared speaking platforms with the Governor, Frank Sargent, and another time with the then Lt. Governor, Elliot Richardson, who went on to become the 1st individual to hold 4 U.S. Cabinet positions: Secretary of HEW, Defense, Commerce, and Attorney General. I started to get involved in some city and state election campaigns, learning the ropes of urban campaigning. During my senior year, I was offered a campaign chest to run as the youngest ever state rep or senator or any elected office as soon as I turned 18, but I politely declined.
I Love this Video & Emotional Vocals from 2 Lawrence Homies on what Lawrence is like now
UMass/Amherst College Years
Like so many fortunate souls college was a fabulous experience. The University of Massachusetts Amherst campus became my choice in 1967. I declined several partial scholarships to other colleges since the money was attached to excelling on their track teams. I wanted to focus on campus politics and the exploration of the mind instead.
Greater Amherst is one of the coolest college towns in the whole world. The Five College Consortium (UMass/Amherst/Smith/Hampshire/Mt Holyoke) gave the bucolic Connecticut River Valley (the largest river in New England) an exciting blend of intellectual, hippie, and Aquarius influences. Aside from a 6-month interlude on Beacon Hill in Boston, and summers on the coast, I stayed in greater Amherst for 8 years.
College life began on the 22nd top floor of John Adams Tower; lived in my fraternity, Phi Sigma Kappa; and shared communal life in South Amherst, Montague, and Ware during my late teens and early 20s. I left in 1975 with 2 degrees: a Bachelor’s in Political Science and a Master’s in Public Administration. But as usual…… overshadowing my academic work was my preoccupation with extra-curricular activities. Sports were out this time around. I felt like trying to shake things up from the inside out.
College Activities
What can I say…..going to college in the late ’60s and early ’70s was the greatest experience ever! Stay tuned for more……
University Year for ACTION
From 1973 to 1975 I served as Assistant Director of the largest University Year for ACTION (UYA) grant in the US. ACTION was the umbrella federal agency that coordinated the country’s volunteer programs like the Peace Corps, VISTA, CORE, and Senior programs. UYA was just like VISTA but centered on a college campus. Students worked full-time for a year in an agency serving the needs of a low-income community. They also earned a full year of academic credit by relating their job to academia. The program at UMass/Amherst was the largest and most successful in the country and a model for other grants. I coordinated professors, community leaders, government inspectors, and the students in the field. The most powerful concept I learned was Planned Impact Programming (PIP) which set measurable goals and monitoring systems for each student project to determine the impact it had in the community. PIP was the focus of my thesis for my Master’s in Public Administration (MPA).
Lost Wilderness Ranch
Located in South Amherst, this communal living house witnessed many, many wild happenings. With my crew of 5 (Jordan Arbit, Rick “HOS” Breault, Rick & Sandy Gross & crazy Charlie Gravel) we were the last inhabitants of this house before it was torn down and its acreage developed into townhouses. What would you do if you KNEW you were the last people to live in a house and were imbued with the spirit and supplements of the early, radical 70s? You betcha……we had some pretty good times! Stay tuned for more……
Montague is such a cool, laid-back town. I lived in the attic of a communal house with HOS, Rick & Sandy Gross, and Pat & Paul Montecalvo. All the guys owned motorcycles so countless hours were spent on dirt roads in the beautiful hills and valleys of this pastoral area, especially when their absent leader Jordan came for a visit. More to come…….
Speaker of the Mass House of Representatives
In 1970 I was a Legislative Aide to Dave Bartley, the Speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives. I lived on historic, cobble-street Beacon Hill and merely had to walk a few historic blocks to work. For a short time, I was “loaned out” to a young maverick named Michael Dukakis to help him craft the first no-fault insurance law in the country. Dukakis later went on to be Governor of Massachusetts and the 1988 Democratic candidate for President. More to follow……..
The Farm House in Ware
In 1974 my girlfriend Mary & I scored a beautiful, 2 story, 3 bedroom Victorian, complete with 2 car detached garage, rec room, barn, and 8 acres for the amazing rental of $200/month. More to come……
The 2 Year Honeymoon
Having finished our degrees (Masters in Public Administration for me) my girlfriend & I decided a huge desire in our lives was travel so we planned an extended cross-country trip in a Dodge van we converted to a camper. And hey, while we were at it, we decided to get married beforehand so we’d have plenty of wedding cash to travel on and no raised eyebrows when we slept together at relatives’ homes in different states. For a whole year we meandered up & down, over & across the USA map, visited around 40 states, and drove mostly on the non-highway black map lines of America. We ended up in San Diego, where my parents had recently retired from Massachusetts, sold our van and flew off to Hawaii where we spent another year of wandering from island to island, mostly living on deserted beaches. More to come……
On The Road….Living in Wyoming
Some have called Rock Springs, Wyoming “the armpit of the Rockies”. In 1975 the TV News magazine show 20/20 called it “the most lawless place in the US”. We spent 3 months here replenishing our savings. I was on the welding crew of Frailey Construction building a gigantic natural gas plant down a 20 mile, corrugated dirt road, in the middle of the Wyoming plains. Stay tuned for more…………….
The Bicentennial Year Year in Hawaii
Stay tuned…..
Starting in Massage
Back in Boston in 1977, I was studying at Dr Ann Wigmore’s Hippocrates Health Institute which was teaching all forms of holistic health-centered around a raw food and wheatgrass diet. I became very involved in Iridology, studying patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the iris to determine one’s systemic health. We even worked with some of the state-of-the-art convex eye cameras at the New England Eye Institute. While at Hippocrates, Institute co-founder and author of Survival into the 21 Century, Victoras Kulvinskas, coached us to travel to Miami to study massage at one of the the premier schools in the USA. Off again cross-county we went, this time retracing our journey 2 years prior all the way down the east coast. But this time we stayed at the most southeast part of the USA for 2 years!
Down in Florida
Quickly establishing residency by parking our van in a trailer park, we were able to enroll in the 1,000 hour Lindsey Hopkins Technical College Massage Program in Miami, which cost an amazingly, ridiculously low price of $200 each! (Program no longer offered.) That was sure worth the effort of getting down there! Lindsey was the late ’70’s precursor to the current Kaplan, Concorde, UEI-type vocational programs. Miami and South Florida had a voracious need for lots of therapists for their countless hotel spas, clinics, and cruise ships. Next to New York Florida had the tightest regs and infrastructure for the massage industry. Linsey had great classrooms and practice areas including a sauna, steam room, helio, and hydrotherapy equipment. They taught a decent, spa-type routine but you had to go elsewhere to learn more advanced techniques and alternative healing modalities which abounded in Miami, one of the country’s earliest meccas for sunshine and healthy living. Classmates Iris Burman went on to found the still existing Educating Hands Massage School, widely regarded as one of the top 10 massage programs in the US. And Dr. Michael Shea, founded Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Graduation was followed by the State Bar Exam, probably the toughest in the nation.
During this late stage, I became immersed in the politics of massage. I became President of the Dade County Massage Association and got it revved up. I was Convention Chairman for the first State Convention to ever show a profit so they elected me President of the whole shebang, the Florida State Massage Therapy Association (FSMTA), the largest state association in the US. But this post did not last long as I heard the beat of a different drummer a little louder. Spurred on by some of the old-timers in Miami saying: “Go West young man. That’s where the real innovations in this field are happening.” One fellow even secured me a job in California, that other sunny state on the Pacific side of the country! So to the dismay of the FSMTA VP, Dot Fleisher, who had to take over the state association, we headed West again in our van.
My First Daughter
This time traveling across the entire southern USA was a little different. Our first daughter Leilani was born in Miami during the aptly named 1979 International Year of the Child. Only a few weeks old and fairly fresh from a home birth where I caught her gushing out into the world, Leilani was the perfect age to sleep and pee anywhere! She was the perfect traveling companion. Another generation of avid nomads was getting her first taste of cross-country van life. Leilani is now a beautiful, compassionate, grown-up soul still living in southern California with her successful & artistic husband and 2 adorable kids, my grandchildren.
Massage & Bodywork Resource Guide of North America
While in Florida I wrote several many health and massage articles for local papers and national magazines. One of them was entitled “How To Become a Massage Therapist” and appeared in a 1978 issue of the wildly popular at the time, Well Being Magazine. The response was phenomenally spurring over 400 heartfelt letters seeking more information. Ah, ha……..I knew I had the interest & demand for a book. What better way to travel by van cross-country for the 5th or 6th time than researching massage schools and communities along the way? And so it goes and that’s what we did…on the road again with a purpose and a vision to follow.
The book became The Massage & Bodywork Resource Guide of North America (such an auspicious title, hahaha), a 400+ page compendium of hundreds of schools, centers, certifications, license laws, and tools of the trade. Robert & Judi Calvert, founders of Massage Magazine bought the rights to the book and published their own version.
Off to California
We arrived in San Diego with a massage job in my pocket. I got to work at the famous & swanky La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, California, 31 years ago the second largest spa in the USA. Built with questionable Teamster money, it was visited by the rich & famous and captains of industry. It hosted the top-ranked tennis & golf championships. Therapists (masseurs) worked on an outside patio when it was sunny so guests could get a tan with their massage.. Twenty guests came every 40 minutes in their togas to get their full-body 30-minute massage. Workin‘ on a chain gang doing factory massage, a max of 16 per day. It was definitely a place to hone one’s trade. Great therapists like myself were able to develop house-call private clients where the real money was made. To keep it fun I initially alternately lived between 2 campgrounds on the coast, biked to work, and made it a point to visit all the hot springs in the county. Eventually, we found a cute, small house off the Pacific Coast Highway.
How I Became “Shane Watson”
Stay tuned on how my name morphed from John Watson to Shane Watson.
Beautiful Leucadia
Stay tuned…..
The Beginning of Bodywork Emporium
While doing up to 16 factory massages a day at La Costa, the mind often drifts to creative places. For me, it was off creating new business possibilities. The second half of my book was “Tools of the Trade”, a national compendium of where you could buy massage tables, chairs & accessories, oils, lotions, books, charts, music, videos, and more. Doing this research I realized there was not a single shop in the whole world where you could find all these types of products in one place. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was such a place? Why….I’d call it Bodywork Emporium…..A fellow massage therapist named Noel Johansen had an oil-rich client from Wichita, Kansas, who needed a tax reason to come out to La Costa and California more often. JB was one of the principal funders of the TM founder, the Vedic sage Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s University. I had a snazzy business plan for this great new newfangled shop. Voila! An investor was found and a company was created in February of 1981. We had another masseur friend from La Costa, Rigo Brueck, who was a fine German craftsman, and could build massage tables so voila again…. another company was founded: California Bodycrafters. 1981 was definitely a wonderful year with the founding of these baby businesses and the publishing of my book.
The first BWE was so appropriately located on the Old Coast Highway 101 in Leucadia, California, just 3 blocks from my house. It occupied the coolest, former Mohawk gas station with a storied past. This was exactly like the way Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream started three years earlier, 1978, in Burlington, VT. ‘cept maybe they got a little bigger than BWE! The former Mohawk station was a big old house with a backyard adjacent to big, vacant lots. A large garage was the first home of California Bodycrafters where we designed and started manufacturing massage tables. The first ones were mostly aluminum legged and then we got into more earthy wood legged ones. With each table, they got better and better but not nearly as good as a great company like Earthlite who bought us out 6 years later and went on to become the largest table massage manufacturer in the world.
Like the old-fashioned gas station it used to be, the building had a giant overhang on the coast highway frontage. Cars were forever pulling up asking for fender-bender accident quotes when they saw the sign “Bodywork Emporium”! It was fun explaining how we treated human bodies and not car bodies! We had to install planter boxes so cars would stop driving through. When we started selling anti-gravity devices we put the demos outside, under the overhang. Staff and customers would also use gravity boots and hang from pipes we built. It was quite a sight for passers-by!
The property also had it own billboard where we could broadcast the benefits of massage and bodywork. How cool was that! Back then in 1981, we were only one of two businesses in the telephone book yellow pages that offered legitimate massage in north San Diego county! How amazing is that! There are now pages and pages of therapists. Noel & I developed a great massage therapy practice in that climate. BWE had three components: the retail store, massage therapy, manufacturing tables and mail order. It was the first of its kind anywhere in the world and developed a loyal following.
My Second Daughter
Five years after her older sister Leilani was born, Briana decided to enter our family. She was also a home birth, the best way to bring children into this world, provided you have very competent midwives and a foolproof emergency backup plan. A second redhead, Bree was and is a very curious, adventurous & independent soul who now lives in northern California where she’s attained 2 degrees & finishing the arduous requirements to become a Marriage & Family Counselor.
Rapid Expansion of Bodywork Emporium
By 1987 I had bought out our investor and my partner; the business became a sole ownership. That year BWE sold the manufacturing division to Earthlite and moved to a brand new building just a few blocks south down the Coast Highway where it stayed for another 20 years. In 1990 BWE opened its second store in San Diego. The next year, 1991, I bought out Fred Campbell’s The Massage Table Store in Santa Monica and a few months later opened Costa Mesa. Three years later in ’94 BWE bought out Body Tools at the famous intersection of Ventura & Sepulveda Boulevards in the area of LA lovingly called “The Valley”. BWE now stretched its reach from LA to the Mexican border. Reaching further north, BWE opened a new store on famed State Street in Santa Barbara in 1997. A year later the 7th and last store was opened in partnership with a school in Bakersfield. Those stores lived shorter lives but taught some good lessons in stretching active
leadership and involvement too thin. BWE easily lived up to its title as “The World’s Largest Retailer of Massage Table & Supplies”.
I had huge assistance in my BWE ventures from some very talented, dedicated & hardworking managers. Many thanks are extended to: Noel Johannsen, Rigo Brueck, Nancy Lee, James Dart, Bob Snyder, Deah Renslow, Paul Armstrong, Jake Leck, Dan Raker, Joyce Shoemaker, Beth Williams, Rex, Nancy Sellers, Rick Ramer, and many others who contributed so mightily to the growth of BWE. At its height, BWE had over 130 employees. You really need a Team to help you succeed.
I sold the business in early 2008, twenty-seven years after the first one opened. There’s only a tiny percentage of businesses in the good ‘ole USA, no, make that the whole world, that survive that long. I was proud BWE could be counted in with those who had surpassed the longevity challenge.
California Grandkids
My eldest daughter Leilani was blessed with 2 wonderful children. In turn, I was blessed with them too since they cause me so much joy. I met them both on the days they were born and had many years playing, reading, and sharing with them. They are both so playful, imaginative, intelligent, creative, and just plain fun to be around.
Unfortunately, the last time I spent time with them was January 2017 when Vivian & I left on our slooow trip around the world. That’s probably the biggest drawback of a wandering life of continuous travel. You really miss the face-to-face, physical & social interaction with your family & friends. The Covid-19 global pandemic has given billions of people a taste of this isolation felt by nomadic travelers. It runs deep and is painful at times but one knows it’s only temporary and will be cured by joyful reunions in the future.
Dual Irish Citizenship
stay tuned for this great story of how Shane Watson was able to link his Irish name & heritage to an Irish passport. Slainte!
Travels in Southeast Asia
I had a good friend Matthew who owned a courier service in LA. One day in 2000 he had an emergency situation where he needed a vital machine part delivered to Malaysia. He asked me if I could deliver it. Well, hell yes! This included a round-trip, open-ended return date trip on very short notice. The only catch was I could only bring a take-on suitcase, no checked-in luggage. That was an easy YES!
This was my first time in Southeast Asia and I loved it so much I stayed for a month. The sights, sounds, scents, attractions, culture & people were almost overwhelming to the senses. I was enthralled and wanted more. I especially loved the magnificent SCUBA diving sites. The coral & colorful fish were mesmerizing.
After that trip I also traveled to the neighboring Philippines where I continued my obsession with diving. I was already PADI certified and trained for my enriched air Nitrox certification while there.
But the biggest reward for visiting the Philippines was meeting my future wife Vivian. She was a Registered Nurse (RN) at the very busy, metro Manila, Pasig City General Hospital. As a key member of the elite Pasig Emergency Unit (PEU) her team responded to serious & tragic accidents & emergency situations in this densely populated city. I visited her on several return trips and exhausted countless “calling cards” on telephone calls. Vivian was able to come to the USA on a Fiancé Visa and we exchanged our self-scripted marriage vows in 2004 at the Chapel of Love in Las Vegas. (No, we passed on the Elvis look-alike minister LOL.)
Body Mind College
AA in LA
Stay tuned…..
Our Slooow Trip Around the World
In January 2017 we sold virtually all we owned left San Diego, and embarked on what we call our slooow trip around the entire world. So far we have slowly crossed the entire southern and east coast seaboard of the US; crossed all 10 Canadian provinces; hopscotched across Hawaii & Guam; visited the Philippines a few times including a 2-month van & ferry journey to many, many islands; spent months in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Bali & Brunei; bought a camper van in Australia and circumnavigated the entire country visiting all 6 states and 2 territories over 15 months; rented a camper van in New Zealand; and currently stranded for over a year in South Africa due to the pandemic. But we have not finished yet.
All of these adventures are detailed on our VivShaneAdventures website and Facebook Page.
What I’m Doing Now
Being born in 1949 means that I’ve witnessed 9 decades even though I’m only in my seventies! My dad retired at age 60 and moved from Mass to San Diego in 1975. But those were the bountiful days of glorious retirement packages. Indeed, my dad had as much or more retirement income as when he worked! I had a tougher field to hoe, lacking a government or corporate-job pension program. But self-funding my IRAs, making some good investments, selling my 27 year, 7 store retail chain Bodywork Emporium, and an inheritance enabled me and my wife, Vivian, more time to partner up in our love and a Spirit of Entrepreneurship, to travel the entire world and pursue some projects of mutual interest. And, more importantly, I’m a restless soul who could never fully retire. I want to explore more of the world and make continued contributions to business, philanthropy, and higher consciousness.
Other Ventures
Please click on the My Projects tab to see some of the activities I’m involved in now. My overall, encompassing project at present is Transcending Business. I welcome you to contact me if you’d like to partner or become involved in any of these ventures. Working with like-minded souls always increases the collective brainpower needed to propel any new project.