Goals & Affirmations for Creating My Life in 2021

Goals & Affirmations for Creating My Life in 2021




I am so thankful for all my many, many blessings:

great and small, past, present and future.

I am so appreciative of all I have received, and am about to receive.


I am waking up with enthusiasm & expect great things to happen every day.


I function fully all day with 7 hours sleep.  I feel perfectly rested & alert.


My life purpose and direction are now becoming crystal clear.


I review my Purpose Statements, Goals and Affirmations every day.

All and more of what is projected is happening on or ahead of schedule.


I am the leader of my own self-motivated life.

I have freedom & security to do whatever I like.


I have expanding and successful revenue streams which

bring me all the financial resources and security I desire.

We have income streams of at least ________ per year.


I am a happy, friendly, positive, creative and successful person.

I succeed in most everything I endeavor.

I realize failures are merely lessons on the path to success.


I like myself, I like myself, I like myself.


I am loved by my wife, family & friends. All my relationships are improving.


I am renewing relationships with old friends, meeting new friends,

creating a dynamic team and enjoying all my social interactions.


Every day and in every way I grow better and better.


I always call myself good names and never disparage myself.


I give thanks to my loving, thrifty & generous parents. Your prosperity & foresight have enabled me to live a comfortable life & enjoyable retirement.


I achieve anything my mind can conceive & believe. Ideas easily flow from my brain, to computer, to my heart, to launch, then success


My income is increasing rapidly. I am sharing my wealth generously.


I have several health affirmations here for various parts of my body.


Thank you memory for serving me well.  You are improving every day.

My ability to concentrate and focus is sharpening every day.


Nothing life has to offer is worth the price of worry or stress.


I am free from any fears or barriers to receiving abundant money.


I work at least _hours/day, at least _ days/week to generate abundant income.


Money now comes easily while I work and play.

I desire to have ample always coming my way.


The universe has bountiful wealth for everyone.

I am willing to work for & receive my share freely without obligations.


I now gain new satisfaction from my work.

I love my work and look forward to the challenges it offers.


A Voice keeps saying to me: “I’m happy with the way you’re developing.

Keep on the Right Track. Do not rely on what other people think.”


Everything is Easy and Fun to Accomplish.


I am strong. I am disciplined. I am building myself up.


I stay focused. My self-determined schedule does not allow distractions.


I exercise at least ____ minutes a day at least ____ days per week.


My diet is improving. I am choosing to reduce then eliminate

all junk foods and replace them with wholesome food & smaller servings.


I live a full, healthy, prosperous and long life.

I am free from pain, discomfort, and any signs of aging.


I Ask, Ask, Ask for what I want. If rejected, I Ask again!


My stored anger is dissolving. Teeming love & spirituality replace it.

I am turning on internal purple lights to help me dissolve my anger.


I am soooo thankful for all my abundant blessings.


My spiritual life is growing.

My love and surrender to my God keeps on magnifying.


Travel is an integral, fun and regular part of our life.

We earn abundant revenue streams while traveling.


I am magnetizing huge business and income

from all over the USA and the whole world.


I am a forgiving and uncritical person, especially with ______.


I am constantly refining and working on my goals and affirmations,

creating plans for each one.


I continually move towards my goals & affirmations with ease and joy.

Achieving them, I find abundant love, prosperity & a balanced life.


I love my wife, family and friends unconditionally.


I am loving ________. I thank her for all her efforts.

I fully support her and reinforce her with positive thoughts.

I treat her with utmost respect in public and everywhere.


I am affirming my children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. I use

the best way to speak & interact w/them in a positive & constructive manner.


____________ is creating the perfect businesses

for her happiness and prosperity.


My grandkids __________ are maturing successfully in perfect health.

They excel in their academic, social & emotional development.


_________ & ____ are finding perfect solutions for their health challenges. They are healing quickly and learning long-term strategies.


___________ physical & mental health is steadily improving.

We are finding perfect solutions for her continued care.


Our financial accounts are growing by leaps and bounds

by attracting abundant income and prosperity.


I recognize and understand my addictions. I am sorry for any harm they

caused my family or others. I completely forgive myself for having

over indulged in my addictions

but now I lead a new, positive life; a life of balance.


We are joyfully distributing our giving donations to worthy people

and causes. The more income we have, the more we share.

We enjoy gifting at least 10% of our income.


I have patience and understanding with _______. I love her very much.


I am prepared, confident and persuasive when presenting

my business plans for investment capital and personal involvement.

People believe in me and trust me

and want to invest their time and money in my dreams.


I ask, ask, ask for what I want in life.

I am bold and audacious in my asking.

I am a Super-Asker and receive what I ask for.


We are recruiting all the right team now, and during our journey,

who have our highest good in their hearts

They joyfully help us achieve our goals and affirmations.


What I am to be I am now becoming because I become what I think about.

And I think of myself as a very successful world traveler

who earns enough money while traveling to protect and grow his assets.


All our projects are becoming realities.

All the people, organizations and resources are coalescing

to form thriving and lucrative businesses. They fulfill our goals of travel,

creativity, security and overflowing revenue streams.


Unexpected money manifests and is raining down on us.


We are completely free from the Covid-19 corona virus & all its variants.

We always double-mask, frequently sanitize and socially distance.

We are getting vaccinated at the perfect, appropriate time.


I have many specific travel goals here.


All my goals & affirmations are being realized.

I release them like balloons to my Higher Power

who is fulfilling them with ease and joy.


All trees are my transmitters, which soar my goals and affirmations

to my Higher Power who’s fulfilling them with ease and joy.


I accept & let go when life does not always go precisely as planned or hoped.

I trust my Higher Power will have something better in store for me,

something that equals or more likely surpasses all my previous expectations.

My Higher Power will reveal this to me when the time is right.


Divine order helps me set priorities

and move through all my life easily, joyously and effortlessly.


Om, Peace, Amen

Om, Peace, Amen

Om, Peace, Amen

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