

Shane Watson Travels


Travel has become one of the most exciting dimensions of my life. It began when I was only 2 years old. My parents brought me and my infant sister Judy all the way down the East Coast from Massachusetts to the Gulf side of Florida. We lived there for 2 years while my dad served in the Korean Conflict. I call this the beginning of Shane Watson’s Travels.


On average, I’ve been on the road in another state or another country for three months of every year for the past many, many decades. I’ve been to every continent except Antarctica. I’ve visited four dozen different countries. Some like Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and England repeatedly. I’ve spent months in all 10 Canadian provinces and over a year in all 6 Australian states and 2 main territories. The Philippines have attracted me 15 times for at least a month at a time. Indeed, between its 7,000+ islands and my wife’s family, there are lots of good reasons to keep going back! Initially planning a 90-day circular trip in South Africa resulted in 2 years due to Covid-19: most of 2020 and all of 2021. I can’t say I regret it coz SA is truly gorgeous and I visited 6 of their 9 provinces.


I grew up in Massachusetts and trekked all over New England. I’ve also lived in Hawaii, Florida, Wyoming, and California for over 30 years. I’m a member of the Red Sox Nation but is that considered a country or a state (of mind)? All 50 states and 2 US Possessions have felt my footsteps; the rugged western states and their plentiful national parks keep pulling me back there again and again.


In January 2017 we sold virtually all we owned left San Diego, and embarked on what we call our slooow trip around the entire world. So far we have slowly crossed the entire southern and east coast seaboard of the US; crossed all 10 Canadian provinces; hopscotched across Hawaii & Guam; visited the Philippines a few times including a 2 month van & ferry journey to many, many islands; spent months in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Bali & Brunei; bought a camper van in Australia and circumnavigated the entire country visiting all 6 states and 2 territories over 15 months; rented a camper van in New Zealand; and currently stranded for over a year in South Africa due to the pandemic. However, we’ve managed to see much of this Rainbow Nation with all of its splendor, wildlife and spectacular scenery. But we have not finished yet. Stay tuned…..


Photographic scenes from some of these journeys are presented on our website VivShaneAdventures, our Facebook Page by the same name, Instagram and YouTube Channel. All the links are in the footer below. Over time I’ll add some pics on this page but you’ll find so much more in the platforms I mentioned.


Here’s a short animated video of our progress on our slooow trip around the world:


I’ll finish this section with two of my favorite travel quotes:


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain, 19th century American writer, humorist & lecturer


“For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go.

 I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.”

Robert Lewis Stevenson, 19th century Scottish novelist, poet & travel writer


Pull down & click on Quotes on the Menu above to see some of my other favorite quotes.

Or…..just click here to see them.
Palawan, Philippines
Rocky Mountains, Colorado
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