

Shane Watson’s Affirmations

ShaneWatson.comI’m a great believer in goals and affirmations. I sincerely credit my goal setting; the daily, early morning recitation of my personal affirmations; and setting daily priorities as the foremost reasons why I was fairly successful in business and maintain a continuous life of travel and exploration. They have helped me in developing the Projects I’m currently working on. I’ve been influenced by many wise sages & authors who have intuited that everything begins as a thought before it’s manifested. They stressed the importance of intensely thinking and voicing positive thoughts to create the unconscious magnetic attraction of people, organizations & resources to your own personal goals.

Indeed, the thesis for my Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) at UMass/Amherst revolved around the concept of Planned Impact Programming (PIP). I utilized this concept while serving as the Assistant Director of University Year for ACTION (UYA) at UMass back in 1973-1975. PIP was the federal government’s measuring stick for most of its grant programs at the time. Goals and measurable benchmarks were established for every program administered to assess its effectiveness. Our grant was the largest one of its kind in the USA. We administered at least 20 different projects in low income/social justice agencies across a wide swath of western Massachusetts. Each program had its own PIP mission statement, goals and benchmarks to measure its progress. One of my responsibilities was to help draft, coach and monitor these plans. It was a fabulous learning experience.

Years later this training took on a more personal and metaphysical bent as I became absorbed into the holistic health and self-improvement explosions of the 1970s, 80s and beyond. Meditation, goal setting, affirmations and treasure mapping were some of the main disciplines I embraced. I truly believe they helped me immensely to become successful in my new Projects; write a book; grow a brand new business of 7 stores into the world’s largest retailer of massage tables, supplies & equipment; and become a present day around-the-world traveler.

I am sharing Shane Watson’s Affirmations that I currently use every day during my Morning Power Hour. I have omitted the deeply personal sections and only included the general phrases which could be adopted by anyone. I hope you enjoy them and find some use for them in your own life. Create your own personal (Name) Affirmations now!

Pull down the Affirmations Menu to see the different parts of my Morning Power Hour. I have left some blank sections where you can fill in names of loved ones and business names in the business goals & affirmations page. Good Luck!


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